The academic year is over, and “summer” has begun, well its more like spring has begun here in Halifax, I do not have much planned for my 4 months with no schooling, other than work my two part time summer jobs, can’t get any glamorous than that.
One of my jobs continues from my term with SMUSA, this summer I shall be helping redesign the website, I won’t lie I am very nervous about this; I’ve never done anything this major, its been mostly me fiddling around with my own pages and teaching my self random things, I guess there is a first time for everything.
The second job I have is with the Astronomy and Physics department at SMU, I will be the lab demonstrator and course grader, this bit I am looking forward to. A few years ago I wanted to become a teacher and my first shot at teaching was at a summer camp last summer where I discovered I am not fit to teach children under the agre of 16, so I shall have to see how these university students will fare compared to the kids last summer.
As of yet this website holds no firm direction other than the random ramblings from my discontinuous stream of conscienceness.